Tuesday, October 29, 2013

.....A mission to dominate the trend spotlight!!!!!........


FASHION IN OUR GENERATION IS NO LONGER FOLLOWING ANY PARTICULAR  PATTERN  OR TREND,LIKE  WE USE TO HAVE IN THE PAST,in recent time fashion is just like a simple pendulum experiment in physics where the fixed bob attached to a fixed point moves to and fro and sometimes conical in movement!......
 why am i saying this?...because there is no real  pattern in todays fashion..... its just a front and backward thing- as we are now going back to olden days kind of styles.wether hairstyles...suits, as well as shoes.... one of such is  what thiS AKANCHAWA here is wearing!!!  Franda Kerr strode out to the Louis Vuitton S/S '14 show in a pair of  this thigh-high boots. Unfortunately the model's tardy attendance meant even her statement booties weren't allowed in to view the presentation. but the bottom line is she looks cool on it ...or what do you think???....all ma sisi dem..i jsust want let una know say...na the NEW STYLE BE THIS!......