On Wednesday, Kanye West took Kim Kardashian West to the Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas in Westlake, CA where the reality TV star thought she was going to see a movie for her 35th birthday.
However, when she got there, she was surprised by her entire family!
So cute!
As seen on Kylie Jenner's Snapchat, the KUWTK star entered the private screen room and was immediately welcomed by the Happy Birthday song!
But who exactly was invited?!
In addition to Ky, the guest list included Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Tyga, Caitlyn Jenner, Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble.
The group was then treated to a screening of Romeo and Juliet! How romantic!
Before the festivities, Miz West posted on Twitter:
Madame Peng Liyuan (left) arrived at a lavish banquet at the Guildhall in London's financial district with her husband Chinese president Xi Jinping (far right in top and bottom right pictures), held in honour of his visit this evening. But the fashion conscious First Lady of China, who has already stepped out in several outfits during the first two days of the state visit, appeared to white powder on her forehead and nose. Meanwhile her husband President Xi appeared to send Prince Andrew (second right), Lady Mayoress Gilly Yarrow (second left) and another guest to sleep(mailonline)
Rejoice! Your cat pictures and selfies are safe!
As we wrote, Janet Jackson and her team reportedly deleted any Instagram account that posted a video from her Unbreakable World Tour!
After the Rhythm Nation singer received a FLOOD of criticism for this decision, she took to Twitter on Wednesday to clear the air!
The legendary vocalist wrote
Khloé Kardashian and Lamar Odom are staying together!
During the 35-year-old's recent health scare, we learned that he and the reality star were still technically married, because the divorce papers they both signed hadn't yet been finalized by a judge.
Now, it looks like they never will.
On Wednesday, the 31-year-old's lawyer went to court to ask that the legal docs that would have ended their marriage be withdrawn.
Related: Lamar's Overdose Was Khloé's Worst Fear
Both KoKo and the ailing athlete had signed the papers presented by the attorney, and the judge approved their request. That means these two are staying married!
The KUWTK personality had first filed for divorce from the NBA forward in 2013, but didn't act on it for over a year. Back in April, she even admitted that she wished they could stay together!
Does it warrant all the hype, the secrecy, the breathless anticipation? Indubitably, yes, writes BRIAN VINER. From the exhilarating pre-credits sequence, against the backdrop of the Day of the Dead festival in Mexico City, to a spectacular denouement in the shadow of the Houses of Parliament, Spectre is a proper joyride of a James Bond film. It features everything (with the exception of a really memorable theme song) that most of us hope for in a 007 picture: great gadgets, stunts, and a handful of laugh-out loud one-liners. Will it overtake Bond's last outing, Skyfall, which took over $1 billion at the global box-office, to become the most successful British-made film ever? Well, it stands every chance. And we live in record-breaking times. Spectre not only features the oldest of all Bond "girls" in 51-year-old Monica Bellucci (bottom left), it is also, at nigh on two and a half hours, the longest of all 24 Bond films.