It is the music world's worst kept secret - Lil Wayne and Christina Milian are doing more than just creatively collaborating.
The singing star and her rapper beau stepped out in Hollywood on Wednesday hand-in-hand.
While the pair have been snapped looking rather friendly before this public display of affection comes just a day after an interview with the 33-year-old From Am To PM.see details after the cut
This may not be called news to you but then i need you to have a bit of what's going on in this part of the world...according to mailonline report,Up to 3000 people - twins, higher number multiples, and their families and friends - attended the event in Melbourne, which is the biggest gathering of twins held in the southern hemisphere. Held once every three years, the festival provides a rare opportunity for twins - identical and fraternal of all ages - to celebrate their unique lives and also provides a welcome break from the normal stresses of life for families with multiples.details after the cut
This is the heartbreaking moment that Laura Strange, 25, (pictured above right) kissed her newborn daughter goodbye in order to return to Valley State Prison, California, hours after giving birth. The mother-of-two (pictured above, left feeding the infant) shared just over two hours with tiny Haley before she was forced to return to her prison cell. The pair will be apart until the new mother completes her two year sentence for drugs charges. She said the separation from her daughter hurts 'every second of the day.'
Everyone has been there. You have that moment in your life that is so embarrassing that you just want to crawl into a hole and cease to exist. If it’s possible to die of embarrassment then you could easily achieve that. That one situation that just makes your face turn all kinds of shades of red or purple. Flushed and hot you can’t believe that it’s happening to you right now. Embarrassing moments happen to everyone at various times in your life. You just have to find the humor in it to take a deep breathe, laugh at yourself and move on. These 14 moments were super embarrassing for each of the people involved. Can you see yourself in some of these situations. I bet you can!
A lot of rappers run for the hills when they knock up some random chick, but Chris Brown wants to move that random chick to the hills ... the Hollywood Hills, so he can be close to his little girl....details after the cut
The 24-year-old decided it would be a good idea to let his mother read out a week’s worth of messages he received on Grindr.
Needless to say we’re glad he did. Here are some of the best reactions from his mum, Lorraine plus video after the cut