As I am sure you have heard, if you cut your hair frequently your hair will grow in faster, longer, and healthier.
Gobbledygook! This myth came from the observation of men's facial hair. As they shaved, the facial hair would indeed grow in thicker. Its called, 'puberty.'
This is because certain male hormones affect facial hair in that manner. They do not affect the hair on the head in the same way.
To the contrary. Male hormonal activity is what leads to hair thinning and loss on certain parts of the head, but not all. Hence the familiar balding pattern known as 'male pattern baldness.' This same hormonal activity also affects women, but not until much later in life, and in a different pattern.
Cutting your hair only makes it shorter, does not affect the growth rate one iota, and cannot determine the length that your hair will grow to. Maximum hair length is determined by the shape and width of the hair shaft, and that is determined genetically and is not alterable with current technology