Thursday, July 11, 2013

Important Information Concerning the Benefits of Watching Stand Up Comedy !

These days we live in a world that is full of stress and worry. With the cost of living rising faster now than at any time in recent memory, people are having to work more hours and even multiple jobs and are still finding it impossible to pay their bills. The truth is that this is the main cause of the worry and stress that is causing so many problems for people in our present society. To learn more about the funny stand-up comedians, follow the link.

For those of us who are in this kind of situation it is vital that we avoid becoming obsessed with our financial issues. Of course, we should give them the attention that they deserve, but there is medical evidence that suggests that overwork, worry and stress actually contribute to serious physical illnesses. Studies have shown that the high stress lifestyle increases the likelihood of digestive problems, cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Interestingly enough, the antidote to this high stress lifestyle, aside from  anti depressants, cholesterol and blood pressure medicine, is something very simple: laughter. Laughter has been scientifically proven to offer people who suffer from high stress both long and short term physical and mental benefits to their health. For many of our problems the old saying that laughter is the best medicine can be said to be literally true. Find out more information about the dark humor from the best comedians stand-up.

The immediate benefits of laughter are to the heart, lungs and brain. When we laugh we take in large amounts of oxygen which stimulates our lungs and heart and causes the brain to release endorphins that produce a feeling of well being. When we enjoy laughter we are actually able to feel less stress and therefore the harmful affects of the stress are lessened. There is also evidence that digestion can help improve digestion and proper circulation and therefore benefit health.

One of the best ways to enjoy laughter is by watching stand up comedians. But finding stand up comedy on TV, even with cable, is not as easy as it used to be. The Internet is actually the best source for stand up comedy videos. Whether you are looking for legendary comedians, new stand up comedy talent, dark humor or just the best stand up comedians ever, you will be able to find whatever you are looking for on the Internet. Read more about comedians at

By taking the time to visit a comedy video website you will be able to watch hours of the best comedy videos available whenever you have the time to watch. By laughing and enjoying hours of comedy videos you will not just have a good time but you will be tapping in to a scientifically proven source of improved health and well being: that is laughter.

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