Sunday, October 20, 2013

Soccer Coach Fakes Injury For Marriage Proposal

Tears of worry turned to tears of joy on a college soccer field after an assistant coach faked an injury to propose to the woman he loves.
Fabricio Nazare, of Fresno, Calif., is an assistant coach for the men's soccer team at Fresno Pacific University. It was during a practice with the university's women's team, however, that Nazare pulled off his grand surprise.
In a video posted to YouTube, Nazare says he conspired with the women team's head coach, Erik Farfan, to interrupt the team's practice so that he could propose to his girlfriend, senior player Sara Vega.
Vega is unsuspecting as Farfan jumps in to play with the team and then fakes an injury on the field. Nazare, who was running sprints around the soccer field, then jumps in the game to take Farfan's place.
Not long after, Nazare, in very dramatic fashion, plunges to the field, also faking an injury.
Only Farfan, the team's atheletic trainers and two of Vega's teammates knew of the plot, according to Nazare, who could not be reached today by That element of surprise is evident as the team reacts in shock and concern for Nazare and can even be heard, in the background, admonishing the people in on the secret for taking pictures and video of Nazare's "injury."
After a few seconds of Nazare down on the field, Vega, whom Nazare met as an undergrad at Fresno Pacific, kneels by his side.
Nazare then pops up, turns around and produces a box with an engagement ring inside, remaining bended on one knee as he asks a shocked Vega to be his bride.
Vega obviously said yes as Nazare's Facebook page lists him as "engaged." Confirmation of Vega's "yes" reply is also made clear by the bow from Nazare post-proposal and the group hug bestowed on Vega from her teammates.

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