Monday, November 25, 2013

Mother and son reunited 30 years after he disappeared across U.S.-Mexico border

more than 30 years since they last saw each other,“I love you and I'm very happy to see you and I'm not going to let you go," were the words Kathy Amaya told her son when they were reunited on Saturday in San Diego.The meeting was not a simple one to arrange. The pair had not been in contact since Barrick, first was moved to Mexico when he was between 2 and 3 years old. Amaya said she attempted to track him down over the years but was unable to reach him through her now ex-husband or her mother-in-law.Barrick told NBC 7 through an interpreter in an interview earlier this month. “I don’t know my mother, and I find out she’s been looking for me for 30 years, and I have the longing to meet her for the first time,” he said.

Earlier this month, Barrick was detained by U.S. authorities when he was caught attempting to cross the border with a number of Romanian nationals. At first, authorities assumed he was part of an illegal drug smuggling operation, because he was caught passing through a water treatment tunnel frequented by individuals in the drug trade.
However, Barrick told Border Patrol officials that he was in fact a U.S. citizen born in Chicago in 1977. When they confirmed this information, he was let go.Barrick said he plans to write a book about his journey and plans to spend plenty of time catching up with his mother and other members of his family that he’s never even met.MORE...

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