Friday, December 13, 2013

I attended 3 secondary schools in Abuja (trying to escape boarding wahala Ngozi Medani Tells Bellanaija!


The lagos born Maritime law graduate who recently completed her masters  from the University of Southampton and moved back to Nigeria shortly after,  in an interview  with Bellanaijarevealed many vital truths!... some of which is her believing system about the country Nigeria and the why behind her maritime law career; in her own word she said; 'I was born in Lagos but left with my mother and sisters in 2004 because she was of the opinion that Nigeria was just very corrupt at the time, and didn’t want her children growing up in a place where they won’t have equal opportunities. Maritime law for me is the perfect combination of commercial, environmental, private and public international law and after doing some research I discovered there aren’t many lawyers trained in that field in Nigeria and that for me is a massive opportunity for me to exploit. I enjoy the environmental aspect of maritime law and I think this an area that in Nigeria needs more attention.    According to her,'I left Nigeria at 14 and initially I never foresaw my return as a possibility. I had a lot of white friends in Secondary school and Sixth form and I guess I just got lost in the English lifestyle, leaving returning to Nigeria totally out of my plans. However, by the time I began my undergraduate degree, my social circle became a bit more diverse and my Nigerian friends painted very fun images of Nigeria to me. Moreover, I started following a lot of Nigerian blogs and I must confess I was captivated by the glitzy images of Nigeria (predominantly Lagos to be fair) I was seeing. All in all, I just felt an increasing desire to move back to Nigeria and be part of everything that was happening there.' you will agree with me that indeed no matter where you have been there is still no place like home  for more details follow this link > >

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