Sunday, March 16, 2014

OMG..this is amazing!....a student of (MIT) has Developed a robotic Fish in the laboratoryThat Replicates Real One!

As our custom is,which is dishing out of inspiring stories and news that can joilt our youths in all the world from their zero or inert level Spiritually,mentally,socially and academically to where they'd become news makers in the society,awesomejasper has decided to inspire you with this news coming all the way from Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT  that a university student have out of curiosity and creativity  developed a new aquatic robot that completely replicates realistic movements of fish producing an illusion of a real animal. The robot is.......
also identical in basic engineering.

 source revealed that The design of the robot is based on a new generation of machines called soft robots that use fluid flowing through flexible channels that ultimately drives the device. 
 experts claimed that this method is better because it si not like the mechanized devices had the hinged bodies which were less preferred when it came to adding flexibility and agility in the designs.but now  bodies of these soft robots can bend anywhere along their length making it the ultimate.
According to the inentor  he said "I designed for it to look like a fish, but we got the same inherent parameter decoupling that real fish have,"
The most amazing thing about this invention is as revealed by experts;it is the first autonomous soft robot that is able to execute rapid body movements with  the machine  having the sense to escape from traps or nets the same way a real fish would.
Andrew Marchese, the inventor is  a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
The robot will be profiled in the premiere issue of the new science journal, Soft Roboticsdetails........

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