Thursday, April 17, 2014

African Queen Fabrics 'n'style[photo]

this is emerging fashion market  of Neat stacks of brightly coloured African “wax” print fabrics,brought to you by icon360 blog,as an iconic blogger  we believe  you are queens of the land thus provides this,  of which we're convinced will make up into elaborate outfits for church on Sunday, gifts for relatives, or, simply to hoard, as designed by  British designer Ozwald Boateng’s Ghanaian mother and her friends did.....see more phot below:

Africa used to be known for poverty, for AIDS, for wars, for corruption and all of these negative things, But today, Africa is  known for its great opportunity, for its growth , first,brought to you by icon360blog— out of the top ten fastest growing economies in the world, 7 are African, so Africa is on a journey that is extremely fast, expanding GDP on an annual basis by 10 percent.

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