Sunday, April 13, 2014

checkout The gravity defying upside-down house where the furniture's on the CEILING!

wonder they said shall never end...when it come to stuffs like what we have here all i'll say is  strange world!...
from Russia came this report about a house that defies the law of gravity..A bizarre, gravity defying apartment where everything's flipped on it's head has been built in Russia.
The house, part of a museum exhibit in St Petersburg, features a living room, kitchen, corridor, bathroom, and even a kids' bedroom.
All the furniture is stuck to the ceiling, which makes upside down photos look like visitors are defying gravity.
The kids' bedroom features a train set, race car bed and statues of Darth Vader andSuperman.
And the kitchen has a full range of appliances, including a washing machine which looks worryingly like it could crash to the floor...or should that be any moment. see fotos below

source:the mirror uk

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