Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Manitoba border guards suspended without pay for leaving posts arrest local fugitive!

For helping the RCMP to corral a local fugitive, a trio of Manitoba border guards have been suspended without pay for leaving their posts, according to their union.
The incident occurred Feb. 27 near the Emerson border crossing, one of only three 24-hour border crossings between Manitoba and the United States

As per the union, two Emerson RCMP officers had zeroed in on a local hotel containing a man wanted on outstanding warrants — and suspected of being armed.
 Regarding the officers involved,sympathizers suggests They should be decorated, not punished because they help RCMP in arresting the community far,no serious decision has been taken against the officers other than suspension of their pay.
The border guards left their duty post in helping the RCMP in the track down of the community fugitive!.

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