Friday, December 25, 2015

Here;s the most comprehensive history and origin of Boxing Day,the meaning and how it came about-must read!!!!

For most people around the world, the day after Christmas, Dec. 26, is just like any other day. But for Brits, Australians and people in former British colonies — we get a bonus holiday.
It's called Boxing Day, and it is when people in these countries have the sudden urge to spend lots of money on things they may not need, watch a lot of sport, and figure out what to do with their leftovers.
To those who have no idea what this misunderstood holiday is, here's a rundown
. Although to be honest, we're not even sure how the day actually started.
The exact origins of Boxing Day are still uncertain and it is not exactly clear what we are celebrating. A popular, but false belief is that the day originated to get rid of all your boxes. According to this article on Snopes, there are a number of competing theories which have been asserted as correct at various points in time, including the theory of a Christmas box given to servants and tradespeople by their masters on the day.
Whatever the truth may be, Boxing Day is here to stay, and there are a multitude of ways we spend our time on this holiday, when we don't have any servants.
on the other hand,If you didn't get enough shopping done at Christmas, Boxing Day has traditionally been the first day when retailers start sales. It's like Black Friday, but after Christmas. Go figure, Americans.
Similar to the U.S., Australians like to start lining up at a ridiculous hour to wait for deals that potentially might run out, or may not even be that good a deal. We've avoided most of the fighting and anarchy that seems to beleaguer the whole Black Friday thing, however.
There must be a time when you get tired of seasonal familial interrogations, often consisting of a cacophony of questions nestled in between the cringeworthy, politically-incorrect jokes from a relative who has consumed too much wine. "When are you getting married?" "Are you saving for a home?" "When are you having kids?" "When are you getting a job?" "Why did you eat all the turkey?"
Boxing Day is the first day you can get away from it all. What's more, in 2015 it falls on a Saturday — which means party. you think the date 25 December is right ?

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