Thursday, May 1, 2014

wait a minute!...Man's Electronic Equipment Seized For Blasting Céline Dion song?...what?!!!


 wonder THEY SAY  never end especially when it come to power,choice and interest etc....well we just got this byte that,An Englishman who drove his neighbors  blasting the same songs over and over had virtually all of his electronic equipment seized to keep him quiet...funny right?....
According to source, the man was  playing Céline Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" over and over and over and over and OVER until the people living around him couldn't take it anymore. Because they hate love, I!
The man, who was in his 40s, had breached a noise abatement order six times before "a warrant was obtained from magistrates and officers then seized thousands of pounds worth of equipment" including "anything that could cause more noise like his 3D TV, a laptop, various speakers, a sound docking station with iPod 32 DVDs, CDs and a PlayStation 3," Based on published online  statement by Medway Council, which is in Kent, a county of Southeast England. He can apply for the equipment's return after a month.
In honor of this story, let us kick start our 'May day' with beautiful, timeless Céline performing this song at the 1998 Academy Awards.
....I urge all of you however to reconsider your desire TO PLAY THIS!...Because now you can see there may be consequences!...
xtracted from

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