Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"single guy glow" Nick celebrates freedom from Ex, saying; "Freedom is a wonderful thing!"

Nick Cannon had  finally come out of a supposedly prison after leaving Mariah Carey's apartment following a divorce between Him and wife....The once a prisoner of love who according to him is now a free man decide to vomit this, saying,its "single guy glow",this word came from Nick Monday afternoon as he left his soon-to-be ex Mariah Carey's apartment in NYC.

Nick who i believe is still hiding something from the public decided to summarize  his testimony with these five words;Freedom is a wonderful thing!!...making it look as if somethings were really hapening when in Mariah's apartment,but he just locked up,but now it's in the open!
As  earlier  reported, Nick and Mariah are on good terms now after being unable to stand each other just six months ago.

how it all began:the journey

such that each of them's trying to voice out how they feel here,but in a coded way,here's the lamentation by the two;

Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon -- Absence Makes the Heart Fonder ... But Not That Fond
Mariah Carey again -- Divorce is Hot Topic ... Too Hot.....THEN.....
.....Nick Cannon -- I'm The One Who Left the Relationship....NOW-"single guy glow"...BUT it feels to know that-Freedom is a wonderful thing!!.

when the going was still good between Nick and Mariah

Taking a review of Nick's word,do you think this the right thing to say in this kind of situation????

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