Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"God particle" theorists win Nobel Physics prize in Physics 2013

BEIJING, Oct. 9 (Xinhuanet) -- Belgian scientist Francois Englert and British scientist Peter Higgs have won the 2013 Nobel Prize for Physics. The Royal Swedish Academy in Stockholm handed the two researchers the prize for their work in developing a model in Particle Physics that predicted the existence of the Higgs Boson, or the "God Particle", as the building block of the Universe. The particle was detected by the CERN laboratory in Geneva last year. The discovery and the theory that predicted the particle may lead the way to super fast quantum computing and the most precise clocks ever seen.
The awarded theory is a central part of the Standard Model of particle physics that describes how the world is constructed.
The award carries a prize of 8 million crowns, or 1.2 million U.S. dollars.
Physics is the second of this year’s crop of awards. The prizes for achievements in science, literature and peace, were first awarded in 1901. They were set up in accordance with the will of Swedish inventor and millionaire Alfred Nobel.

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