Friday, September 27, 2013

 unbelievable!...survey reveals that One in eight single men prefer new iPhone over new partner!!!

by CBR

3% agreed to ditch their love for the latest iPhone. About one in eight single men would choose the recently released iPhone 5 over a new partner, according to an online survey by
The survey found that about 3% of respondents would happily ditch their current love for the latest iPhone.
Another half of the respondents said they used an app to settle an argument with their partner, while 17% said they regularly switched to the internet to seek advice. spokesman said:"Nevertheless, you don't expect to see one in eight men prepared to forgo love, or in the case of three per cent, ditch their current partner to get their hands on one, he said.
"I have to admit though, judging by the amount of people who queued for hours and, in the case of some, days, you can see the amount of loyalty there is to this brand.
"The Apple product has a wide variety of functions but even the iPhone's most recent incarnation can't offer some of the things that romance can."
Sales of Apple's latest iPhone devices have reached nine million within three days of their launch since 20 September 2013, while about 200 million iOS devices are currently powered by iOS 7 version.

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