Monday, September 22, 2014

Did you know that,"The iPhone 6 Plus has unusual, almost hypnotic powers."???

If you knew what it is to handle  something unique in all your stay on earth then you wont have to travel from coast o coast to own one,jut it there and apply your sixth sense and iphone 6 will take care of the rest, becaue....
With the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus being so similar (with the exception of OIS and some widescreen extras), the choice comes down to size, and that’s a very personal choice.

If you want a phablet, the iPhone 6 Plus is a very good one. That big screen is especially well suited to movie watching and game playing, but also packs in a lot more info from web pages and emails than you’ll get from the iPhone 6, 5S and other, smaller smartphones.

To be honest, I can see why, even with the heftier price tag, the iPhone 6 Plus is so alluring, but no, I won’t be carrying that giant device in my pocket or feeling its slightly hefty body tottering in my hand. I prefer the iPhone 6.

When I hold the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 in my hand, I can easily reach to the far corner of the screen with my thumb. Not so with the iPhone 6 Plus. I either have to use two hands, find a way to stretch my thumb or, better yet, use Apple’s new Reachability feature, which is available in iOS 8 and therefore in both phones, to reach screen elements that might otherwise be out of reach.

Reachability works simply and well. I double-tap on the home button and the screen drops down halfway to put previously out-of-reach interface elements within reach. It’s a reasonable solution, though some people I showed it to called it clunky.
Since both the iPhone 6 and 6 plus have strong continuous autofocus, faster exposure correction (thanks to Focus Pixels), images and video from both cameras looks great. In fact, I was having a hard time seeing the benefit of OIS on the iPhone 6 Plus. Then a small fire broke out on the roof of the building across the street from Mashable HQ.

you know what?...Rome is not built in a day so his episode continues sometime later...But Hey!...try get this stuff!!!

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