Monday, September 22, 2014

Take a look at some of your favourite Child Stars – see How BIG they Have Grown?
In this world we're living.there's nhing as beautiful as when you're doing what you're created for,to some its writing,to others singing and to others like you,its invention and so on and so fort,but the thing is, to be best at what you are requires early beginning, and when that's in place,every other things follows,we've seen it with Oprah,Micheal Jackson,Mark Zuckerberg and some of our icons and and public stars and lots of other as follows, so,look,learn and make a difference like them-even if not you this time because of your age,what of your unborn children?..on that note icon360blog has this for you;
Shirley Temple was able to successfully graduate from giggles and curls to responsible adult and eventual United States Ambassador. Not all child actors fare as well.
Danica McKellar – Winnie of The Wonder Years appears to be a winner at transitioning from child actress to adult actress—not to mention author of several books on the joys of math for middle and high schoolers and film director and writer. Her parents’ emphasis on education (she graduated from UCLA summa cum laude) and studies of mathematics helped keep this girl’s head straight.
Amanda Bynes – She took a slightly different tack post child stardom. Amanda was a regular cast member on two Nickelodeon shows—Figure it Out and All That, then starred in The Amanda Show and had parts in several movies before retiring, unretiring, and, finally, taking time off from acting. A large portion of this time off has been spent at the police station. Her first ticket was for talking on the cell phone while driving, and the crimes grew from there to include a DUI for sideswiping a police car, two hit-and-runs, driving with a suspended license, tampering with evidence by throwing a bong out her Manhattan apartment window during an arrest for marijuana possession, and starting a small fire in front of a stranger’s house. She is currently enrolled in fashion school. Is orange her favorite color?

Angus T. Jones – Starred as the sarcastic, wise-cracking son of single father, Jon Cryer, who lives with his uncle (and Cryer’s brother), Charlie Sheen in the popular comedy, Two and a Half Men. He became the most highly paid child actor at the age of 17, earning $300,000 per episode for 26 episodes. In 2012, he began criticizing the show as “filth” and discouraging people from watching it. His protest is linked to his religious beliefs as a member of the Voice of Prophecy Seventh-Day Adventist church in Los Angeles. He certainly is able to be a large donor.

Lindsay Lohan – Burst onto the acting scene playing twins in the remake of The Parent Trap. Next came the hit movies, Freaky Friday and Mean Girls. She was a bona fide star. The temptations of tinsel town proved to be too much for the Disney star, and she has spent time in and out of court mandated rehabilitation, jail and psychotherapy, while appearing in less than critically acclaimed films. She keeps trying though and, perhaps one day, she will get her mojo back.

Jodie Foster – She has been acting since the age of 3, receiving two Academy Awards and many nominations. She graduated from Yale University and has two sons. She continues to act and direct and seems to have weathered her early fame quite well.

hold on for more later...please be sure to learn something from each of our posts cos tha's why we're inspire in any little way we can....nice day!!!T

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