Monday, September 15, 2014

University Room decorating ideas that's of great benefit to you as a and learn!

Like the popular saying goes "they said "charity begins at home" but according to Icon360blog "charity begins in the hostel" for students! this is because,student home is campus untill he/she 's done with school as such charity begins there,right in the hostel as such the right place for every student to learn and know how to decorate his/her home later in life is the domitory as such icon360 blog hereby present to you a moment of University Room decorating ideas...

University rooms, (or your own bedroom!) can be really dull and dreary when you move in. I definitely walked in and thought, I am going to have to live here for 9 months?! But worry not, there are some ways that you can make it a little more interesting!

So here are some tips on making your room your own!

1. Photos

Photos are a great way to take old memories with you. I think this is a really cute way to display them, or just pin some on your noticeboard. They are also good talking points. You can print some and get them sent to you from places like which are actually offering 20 free prints when you sign up. 
But don't forget to add some space for new pictures with your university friends! 

2. Posters

Posters are a great way to spice up a boring noticeboard. There will no doubt be a poster sale in the first few weeks of term, so definitely get some! Again, they can show your interests, such as a poster from your favourite film or tv show, or have some inspirational quote to keep you sane throughout the late night essay writing sessions (my Keep Calm and Carry On poster did the trick!). 

3. Fairy lights

Fairy lights can make the dingiest of rooms look nice. You can buy them online or in stores around christmas time. I suggest buying battery ones as it doesn't matter where you put them, you don't need a plug. Draping them over your noticeboard or using hooks to put them around your pictures or posters makes for the ultimate cosy evenings, especially in the winter months. 
4. Brightly coloured bed linen

I will definitely be purchasing some nicer coloured sheets and duvet covers as it can really completely change a room! Plus it can show a unique style and colour scheme. Primark is a good place to look if you don't want to spend a lot of money. Add some funky cushions and you're sorted! 

I can't wait to get to my new room in this semester to start decorating and making it a bit more unique. ! 
Do you have any more ideas on customizing your room? 

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