Sunday, November 9, 2014

Belgian chocolate brand" ISIS" forced to use new name because of terror group known as "ISIS"!!!!...

In a way the adage "prevention is better than cure" is really working things out in some people's minds,the proactive ones!... one of such is the body in charge of Belgian Chocolate known as "ISIS"..sounds familiar right??...that's the reason for this post...Well according to latest news reaching us,we heard that,the Belgian chocolate brand 'ISIS’ has changed its name....that the new name is ‘Libeert’ this is because of: sharp fall in sales brought on by its name and because of its association with the Islamist terror group, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS)
The company which came to limelight as ‘Italo Suisse’ in 1923, changed its name to ISIS in 2013 because the chocolatier was no longer associated with either Italy or Switzerland. and Now, they have to change it  again for a terrorist association that is worse compared to the former, relating everything with the rise of the terror group which caused their sales to drop. The company is not the first organization to have re-branded themselves because of the terror group.
Hope this name comes to stay this time....lolz

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