Tuesday, September 8, 2015

See Why People Think this comedian's Jokes Crossed The Line!

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Comedian Nicole Arbour made quite the name for herself after she posted a video on YouTube titled "Dear Fat People" which is full of mean-spirited jokes about obesity!
In the video, which has already garnered over 18 million views, Arbour rants that fat-shaming was "not a thing" and just made up by overweight people — she even compares it to "the race card."
The comedian has expectedly received a ton of heat for her insensitive jokes, which she disguises as contrarian satire, and has caused some notable names to express their criticism such as.
 Whitney Way Thore, who also started the No Body Shame campaign, said in a response that"Fat-shaming is a thing; it's a really big thing, no pun intended. It is the really nasty spawn of a larger parent problem called body-shaming, which I'm fairly certain everyone on the planet, especially women, has experienced."
YouTube star Grace Helbig also felt like she needed to make a video responding to Arbour, in which she highlights her frustrations that Arbour's malicious jokes make her seem like less of a comedian. She says.."To me it looks like you're using a controversial and personal subject to leverage subscribers and attention in a negative way…Comedy can be a really powerful tool, and I wish we could use it more respectfully."
What do YOU think? Check out video (below) and decide for yourself after the cut

check out responds from people on that:

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